Serena Straus, author of the award winning sci-fi novel ReInception, and Charleigh Frederick, author of the YA thriller Rule 25: Don’t Fall for the Target, will be appearing at GeekGirl Con on the weekend of October 7 th and 8 th in Seattle!
Sarena will be appearing on panels throughout the weekend, including How to Weave Current Technology and Science into Speculative Future Novels, How To Win A Pitch Competition, Women Rising: Fan Spaces as a Female Gateway, and Making it Gay… or Trans, or Neurodivergent, or Ethnic… and More!
Sarena and Charleigh will also be greeting readers and signing copies of their books at the Winding Road Stories booth at Table #640. If you are attending GeekGirl Con, please stop by and say hi!
Sarena Straus/Charleigh Frederick
GeekGirl Con
Seattle Convention Center
800 Pike Street
Seattle, WA 98101