Publish with Winding Road Stories
At Winding Road Stories, we’re always searching for the next story. Our sole mission is to help authors share their best idea with the larger audience it deserves. To submit your manuscript to our editors, fill out the submission form below. We do our best to respond to every author. If you have not received a response within twelve weeks, please follow up or resend your manuscript.
Submission Guidelines
We are looking for original and unpublished full-length manuscripts (55,000-95,000 words) from the following genres.
We are also open to novellas and short story collections in horror, mystery/thriller, science fiction and literary fiction.

- Mystery/Thriller
- Horror
- Literary Fiction
- Science Fiction
- Romance
- Young Adult

- Expert Service
- Health & Wellness
- Sports
- Business
- Memoir
- True Crime
Please submit a polished version of your manuscript. First drafts will not be considered for acceptance.
If you are an expert on a topic and would like to share your wisdom through a book but have no writing experience, we can match you with an experienced writer who will help you execute your vision. Message us at