Writing and editing your manuscript, finding a publisher and making it a reality may feel like a winding road that never ends. Welcome to your destination.
Tim Wagoner StokerCon Guest of Honor
We are proud to announce that our very own Tim Waggoner, author of Old Monsters Never Die, will be one of StokerCon’s 2025 Guests of Honor! As a four-time Bram Stoker Award winner, Tim has been one of the most respected members of the Horror Writers Association...
As Those Above Fall Cover Reveal
Behold the cover of As Those Above Fall, the searing horror novel debut by Catlyn Ladd! Zorah has always been special. The immense power that flows in her veins, the power she calls witchcraft, can seduce or destroy anyone. But when she loses Alex, the love of her...
The Fatal Mind Cover Reveal
After the soaring success of The Broken Heart, NJ Gallegos returns with The Fatal Mind, a medical horror thriller that is sure to make you scared of your own brain! Dr. Aldea Absinthe’s experimental chip-implant procedure inhibits the migraine pain of her patients,...
Nigel Collins Wins An Award
Congratulations to our very own Nigel Collins, author of Hooking Off the Jab, who was selected as the newest Nat Fleischer Award recipient for Excellence in Boxing Journalism by the Boxing Writers Association of America. As a member of the International Boxing Hall of...
It Waits In The Dark
Introducing the cover of It Waits in the Dark, the first in Vanessa Lanang’s new horror novellaseries! For decades, the small town of Pleasant Point, CA, has been home to unexplained mysteries and disappearances. After her father's death, Tala moves there to...
Brooklyn Book Festival
Meet the authors of WRDS at NYC’s biggest literary gathering of the year, the Brooklyn Book Festival! Many of the Winding Road authors will be signing copies of their books and chatting with readers throughout the day. After visiting our booth, enjoy the rest of the...