The Winding Road Stories team is looking forward to our first Stokercon appearance! The conference which is organized by the Horror Writers of Association is a who’s who of horror’s greatest storytellers! This year’s conference takes place June 15 th -18 th at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh, PA.
Joining us this year will be author Clare Castleberry, who will be signing copies of her novel Azalea House and special advanced copies of her newest novel, Forbidden Gardens, which will be released later this year. Clare will be appearing on a virtual Stokercon panel, “Horror through a Southern Gothic Lens.” She will be joined on the panel by esteemed horror authors Joe F. Lansdale, Johnny Compton, Rhonda Joseph Jackson, Michele Renee Lane, Steven Van Patten, and Jessica Ann York.
Also joining us will be NJ Gallegos, who will also be signing special advanced copies of her novel Broken Heart. NJ will also be appearing as a panelist to discuss “How to avoid medical mistakes in horror fiction.” As an ER doctor herself, NJ has some opinions on this!
In addition to signing copies of her fantasy novel, Fireheart, Vanessa Lanang will appear on a panel discussion “Contracts for Creatives,” to help remove the mystery and fear surrounding creative contracts.
And our editorial director, Michael Dolan, will sit in on the pitch sessions as authors seek to find a home for their newest horror novel!
Winding Road Stories will also have a presence in the dealer’s room, where our authors will sign books. We will also have copies of Absolution Blues, the newest horror novel by Alexander Nader, for sale.
If you’re planning to attend Stokercon 2023, please stop by to see us. We’d love to meet you. Looking forward to seeing our friends in horror!